
Showing posts from May, 2022


  Life on earth is the most blessed gift the Almighty could have gifted us. The very fact we wake up every single day is a miracle on its own. The one day our God has set apart for Himself is our day of REST-which many of us literally take it instead of coming to His HOME and giving praise to Him along with our fellow beings. One day in a week-it's so difficult to spare in this busy, nerve-wrecking world, right? And you really expect the God who has to take care of millions, to come to your aid when you call all of a sudden, after a few months or maybe even years? Even when we have come back to the physical mode, after months of those online services, some are still hiding as if behind their Zoom screens, not ready to come back to the fellowship of togetherness.  Worshipping God is a duty given to us Humans, the one and only species on earth given the intellect to think and words to speak. But 21st century humans are quite far away from the sanctuary, and even find no time in their