
Showing posts from August, 2024


Death for a Christian is to fall asleep in the arms of Jesus and waking up and finding out that you're home.                                                                                                                                      -Alistair Begg It is not easy. Death. Waking up to the news of the passing away of a loved one. Especially when its the 4th death in a row within the span of 10 months. When someone is sick and we know they are suffering, it is easier to process the reality- but not when its a sudden demise like an accident or simply not waking up from your sleep- or how about you just leave home one fine morning to go to church or work and never come back. And to know the death from the other side of the world- again, totally devastating.  Linu Mathew Koshy- our dear Linu achachan. An epitome of a scholar and the most giving person I know of his age group. There are evangelists and priests who have come to me knowing that we are cousins. He was always such a s