
Showing posts from June, 2020


HERE AM I, SEND ME (For our priests, their life partners and those who wish to be so) It's impossible to fail when you do your best when you are on the Lord's errand. There was a song I learned in Class 7-  Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord, and he said 'Here am I send me'. I used to wonder how he could hear God's voice and with what courage he took up the challenge. More confusing were the last lines: And when I hear the voice of the Lord, I will say, 'here am I, send me' . The song was certainly fun to sing, but those last words were heavy. Each time I heard that verse again in church, VBS or camps,I would struggle in my seat, determined not to give my all.  We all have made the decision to serve the Lord being inspired and touched by the Bible verses like 'The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few' (Luke 10:2) or 'Go into the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation' (Mark 16:15). But when it come