
Showing posts from November, 2020


  KEEP HOLDING ON On Our Anniversary- 21 st November, 2020   You were the one who agreed to hold my hand When I’d thought there would be no one out there for me. You accepted me as I am- Flaws, pluses, blemishes, everything.   I was never going to be ready to leave my home- But you made the process less painful. You patiently waited till I got my mind in the right place And my heart opened up to this stranger.   I could never break a coconut before I met you I could never peel a mango too. But I still don’t know how to cut or fillet a fish Or to grind batters as you do. *(Maybe I’ll learn that in the next eight years !)   I love reading and you start dozing As soon as you open a book! You love to plant and harvest, While I love to stay in and watch a movie or two.   It wasn’t so easy to get adjusted to the Chilli level of your home While you adjusted to the mild and instant cooking of my abode. Well, as from me, you got exposed to mo