
Showing posts from January, 2022

To Our Big Sis

  Your memory is a keepsake from which I'll never part, God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart.  She was the eldest of us, nineteen grandkids- the one we could look upto- the one who got into school first, went to college first, got a job first and got married first- The one who had the right to tell us all anything in this whole wide world.  Each and every one of us have memories to share- those who grew up right behind her have the most, for sure. They recall the times of visits or sleepovers during childhood, when she used to tell stories and share about her daring feats. Yes, she was a girl who enjoyed every aspect of life- she could even drive the lorries the family owned back then. And we younger ones recall a loud, fearless and outspoken young lady - a bold 20th century girl anyone would admire and desire to be.  She was a voracious reader- with cupboards filled with novels and volumes-probably the most wide reader of us all- and was passionate for knowledge. She

MMXXII A.k.a 2022

  As another year has gone by, thoughts of the past And of the future overtake and hold the reins. How was the year 2021? For me and for you? How were we to the year and to those around us? Till March 2020 was one phase of the 21st century; And now we live in the second phase- This phase just changes its face faster than we change clothes; Still continuing to disrupt our lives. Has the lockdown helped us to grow closer to each other ? Or has it made us more unfaithful and lazy? Has the COVID-19 Virus only taken our health and lives of many- Or our sanity and sense of security also? Life takes us through ups and downs, Life teaches us to be strong; Life can disappoint and depress, But there is a horizon after every dusk. Nobody has guaranteed that life will always be fair, People will curse, fool and trick you.  We have come to a time in which  We can't easily trust anymore, right? People are just running behind what is so temporary- Money, lust, fame and power. When will we underst