
Showing posts from November, 2022

An Ode to my Kiddos

~Of the past and the present~  I have a lot of characters Seated in my classes-  And everyday as I see them  I feel the urge to write Something about them.  So here I am with these typed verses To highlight the young souls  I meet day after day...  And maybe also wish them  A Happy Children's Day!  Oh ya, I know they're not 'children' anymore  As I teach the Teens of The Schram Academy But still they'll be kids to us educators. They do seem to be just like we were-  Back in the day... We just didn't have  So many gadgets and headsets to block off  The sounds around us anyway.  Some of them are so cool-  They know what they want  With their life already  Have no nonsense  Say no nonsense And focus to make their aspirations happen.  Another sort are the backbenchers  Who are the universal ones-  (You'll find them in all institutions) Always commenting and chatting behind-  Thinking we teachers don't know  What they do underground!  Then we got the bookworm