
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Bethel on Earth

"How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven."  Genesis 28:17 In the Bible, Jacob built an altar in honour of the Almighty and it was called Bethel- a 'house of God'. Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Padi is one such house of God in Chennai in which believers gather, and incense, praise and prayers rise. It is a House of God in which all the members enjoy such a warm fellowship that gives us that Early Church vibes as we read in the Scriptures. It is a House of God that knows how to give and share the love of their Saviour.  The three of us were still in a trance as we landed in Chennai- on 30th April, 2021- particularly me, not willing to accept the way we came all of a sudden to a new place- and especially dejected after getting transferred once again during the pandemic. But I know now that through this transfer, God wanted us to understand His goodness and mercy once again- and be a living witness to how His plans are be