The Bethel on Earth

"How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven." 

Genesis 28:17

In the Bible, Jacob built an altar in honour of the Almighty and it was called Bethel- a 'house of God'. Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Padi is one such house of God in Chennai in which believers gather, and incense, praise and prayers rise. It is a House of God in which all the members enjoy such a warm fellowship that gives us that Early Church vibes as we read in the Scriptures. It is a House of God that knows how to give and share the love of their Saviour. 

The three of us were still in a trance as we landed in Chennai- on 30th April, 2021- particularly me, not willing to accept the way we came all of a sudden to a new place- and especially dejected after getting transferred once again during the pandemic. But I know now that through this transfer, God wanted us to understand His goodness and mercy once again- and be a living witness to how His plans are better than ours wishes and desires always. 

As my husband did his seminary studies here in Chennai, he had a certain idea how this Parish and the people are- and he, more or less, immediately dived into the activities in May 2021- which were initially online mostly. After the 'Corona' coast was clearer, we started visiting homes and got to know our members better, rather than only seeing their names and faces on the screen. For me and Daphne, we waited for the online Sunday School sessions for which we even invited some of our youth friends from other places to lead the singing and devotions sometimes. Even our youths had meetings online- and once I remember an all night prayer in which all the youths who attended prayed- and to our surprise- most of them prayed in Malayalam!! But we all knew that, more than these online meets, we really needed the physical presence of people inside the church as soon as possible and kept praying. By the time of the Christmas Carol in December, a full attendance was made possible!! Praise God!!

Ever since then, we got a momentum- and even started planning for the Silver Jubilee programs. Year 2022 proved to be the busiest of all- once again having all the meetings and gatherings as much as possible- almost forgetting the word 'Zoom'. We could feel the warmth and genuineness of the members here and were very much inspired by that. We can proudly share this feeling wherever we go and tell far and wide that the Padi parish is one with a difference- a parish that stands out in this metropolitan city. 

I can never forget my Sunday school kiddos here- the ones who suffered my singing sessions one after the other, program after program- but trying their best to perform for His glory!! It was truly a pleasure to lead them and teach action songs and choreographies during these years- though some were a repetition from our previous places. You are all precious children of God!! And to our Sunday School teachers- keep up the good work and start planning for the Christmas program soon!! Love to all!!

Padi Youths- what to say about you guys.... You all are truly the lifeline of the church. There's not a thing that happens in the campus without your sweat being fallen on these grounds- whichever is the season. It is very evident that those of you who are active in church are close to your Creator also- which is solely the fruits of this blessed parish and your prayerful parents. We are extremely proud to be part of this vibrant group for three eventful years and hope and pray only the best for you all. The Lord sees how many hours and efforts you give back to Him and will continuously bless you!!


There is a group in the church which is around our ages, and also not old enough to call aunty and uncle also. Initially I was so confused what to call them actually- by name or to add something along with it. I did start calling them something for sure- but there are still some who I know I have not called them by name at all. And this is the reason!! I guess this was the first place I experienced this issue and felt shy at times not knowing what to do. But I hope I learn from this experience and know how to approach people better. (So you see, just because I am a 'Baskyomo' does not mean I know how to talk to everyone!!!) 

Now for our dear uncles, aunties, Appachas and Ammachis. You have been caring to us like our own parents- like a family. I am especially thankful to how much all of them have tolerated with our moody little Daphne who sometimes does not respond or even eat properly when we visit their homes for meals. Many have showered her with love, her favourite chocolates and even gifts. I like to believe this is how the world pays forward the good deeds you or your parents do. I know how much my mom had cared for her vicar's and other priest's families- even in Achen's family too- and maybe we, being in ministry- are enjoying the fruits of that. So it's truly not by our merits at all- but by His grace alone. 

It has also been a blessing how I had some 'teacher' friends here at church who I could always talk about school stuff with. The plights of teachers with all the extra duties and deadlines given- how teaching is the least rewarded of all professions now- paper valuation stories- and what not. Many of our kids studied in other branches of the school I worked in, too. So there was never a drought of topics in church or when we visited these homes too. So grateful to you all- for listening to my continuous jabbering about TSA and may God keep enabling you to touch young minds and souls. 

BMTC is known all over Chennai for the way every food fellowship is made into a celebration. So many of the members tirelessly work, maybe even from early morning on a special day when a food sale happens, or some meal is provided in church. The planning and hard work done for this is commendable and each time our Food committee and everyone who helps out prove their skill in cooking too. Each guest who comes to this church never leave without praising the 'chefs' who worked behind the screen. That's the hospitality and care of our Bethel family. 

Each church we go to makes me relive the times I had back in my home parish. Here also I was able to do things that I love doing- singing for my Saviour and spreading His love through teaching songs too. The Church choir here was my stressbuster and my space on the choir bench is the most familiar place for me in the whole church. All these three years, God gave me chances to sing with this blessed lot and lead them also. Me, the amateur, who can hardly go by the notations, conducted Carols and other songs and I am eternally grateful to the choir for accepting me so- and I have learned a lot more from you also! Who can ever forget our Musical concert YADAH with my favourite Living Stones Quartet and precious Tehillah!!!

It was after marrying a priest that I started 'preaching'- if you can call my talks that! But I do have to acknowledge how much our members here at Padi encouraged and appreciated me after each sermon- even though I preach with such broken Malayalam. I hope I have improved- in spite of still leaning on the great Canva presentations or videos to hide my flaws- making the congregation look at the screen more than my face!! 

Even though this write up focuses on our church life more, I cannot forget the many moments I got to spend time with three of my 'oldest' buddies here in Chennai- Jithu from my home parish in Kuttapuzha- who is my Sunday School, choir and College friend too; then Benjamin and Jinu- my batchmates from MTRS. It was great to have them all around (though quite a lot of kilometres away) to cheer on and support us these three years- and especially to get to know better their beautiful God-given families too. If we were not transferred here we would have hardly got the chance to meet back in our hometown Thiruvalla much. Even Daphne made such good friendships with the kids. The ways of God are surely awesome and fascinating. 

Chennai 'Pattanam' has become dear to us. We have become used to all the reckless drivers (who don't even know how to turn on their indicators or overtake in the right side), the unpardonable potholes (which we are sure the officials never travel those ways to eternally stay so) and the smelly drains on the sides (just avoid opening your nose or mouth if you happen to pass by!). We have our favourite hangouts and supermarkets that we frequently used to visit. There are places which remind us of where we scratched or hit our car, or where a particular phone call came or where we bought something before. Daphne got to know the bond of friendship and understand the church of her parents and grandparents better here- I relearned driving and gained three more years of teaching experience and some good bonds here- and Achen also finally became a full on parish priest for a full term after being in Mission fields and schools for so long and was able to continue his spark for mission work through the diocese project in Karanai he was incharge of. Chennai has been good to us- minus the heat, occasional floods and cyclones!! 

Usually near a Christian Church there is the cemetery of that same church- especially in Kerala. We never had that experience yet. But here, we had the 'privilege' to live near a Hindu burial and cremation ground that is right adjacent to our compound wall. Tamilians have a special way to see off their loved ones- beating drums, throwing flowers all over, dancing along with the corpse and even bursting firecrackers. The year we came, as it was during the pandemic was terrifying as we could hear this process almost four to five times every day- that means, each day that many deaths happened only in this area. Another thing we had near us is the one 24x7 liquor shop in Chennai, which also means we get to hear midnight 'songs' and see people drunk on the road-a lot. We took each of these instances as ways to remind ourselves how precious our life is, and not to waste a minute of it. 

Coming to Chennai has truly been a life-changing and life-altering experience for the three of us- even Daphne lost her front teeth here!! We can firmly testify now that God brought us here for our own good- and abiding by His plan, we were able to touch some souls during this tenure here. Now, the time has come to bid farewell to the fourth place in our ministry and move on to the fifth- three amazing years that have been etched into our memories forever. 

Dear Members of Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Padi- we are eternally grateful to you, your magnanimity and your prayer support. We know how much you have supported us and cared for us. All we hope and pray is that you continue to do so for all the Vicars yet to come. We live in a world where priesthood and church life is not given due importance. Make our next generations grow to come to church and engage in all activities and respect the priests and elders always. Keep being regular to Sunday services, Sunday School and other gatherings. Realize that each moment you spend in the House of God- in this Bethel on Earth-would never go to waste, but will be acknowledged by your Father in heaven. What else matters in life more than that? 

God be with you till we meet again. 

With prayers, 

Remya Rachel Thomas 


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