A small Virus has taken over our lives for the past 20 months now. 

COVID-19 has shaken the very base of human life all over this world. It has opened more arenas for research and virology to find out the depths of this organism, but with little time to find a solution. Even when we think the vaccines are the answer to our fears, there is no guarantee how long this will give life extension or how valid it is. 

Human knowledge has its limits. Human understanding cannot see beyond and predict the future. Human hands will never be able to stop the calamities. We just have to face the realities and move on. 

What was the greatest calamity we know from the Bible? Yes, the Great Flood. Why was the Flood brought about? - Because mankind was immoral; out of control; and not listening to God Almighty anymore. - Except one family. Noah was the Chosen One back then- chosen to save the world and all that is in it. Humans, animals, birds, plants and trees- lost their existence. Maybe the sea life only was untouched then. Everything that had breath - minus Noah, his three sons, their wives and two each of each land and air creature- the ancestors of the present living things on the face of the earth. 

Maybe the Flood did not happen all over the globe, but we can't forget the Rainbow, right? My favourite part of the story. The beautiful VIBGYOR. The band of HOPE. An everlasting proof of God's promise. But what was the promise? 

So no more waterworks. Floods will be there- and we know pretty well that it's still happening; but the whole world will not be covered by this force of nature ever again. 

Wasn't that a population control back then? Maybe not literally, but at least spiritually God did want to wipe out those immoral non-believers from the face of the earth. Will He ever feel the urge to do so again? If so, then I can maybe think this Pandemic is a dose of His wrath. 

You might disagree. You might say, then why have faithful servants and believers also been affected by the Virus and have even lost their lives or dear ones. You might say some countries are affected less or others more. What's the point in praying if God has brought this upon us? 

Questions - they feel like rhetoric questions - because God only knows the answers - and nobody has been able to get them. For many, this one year has changed us spiritually to become more firm in our belief. At the same time, many, many others have hidden themselves behind those Zoom screens keeping their videos off; and maybe another group totally disconnected with their church family- and maybe with God Himself. 

So are we taking a 'theistic world view' or going for a secular one? Will God inflict a pandemic on the rebellious world? Or is He sitting up there only granting the wishes of few and rushing the tick-tock of some to die by a virus' complication? 

The El Shaddai (Lord Almighty) was already heartbroken the day Eve broke the 'spell' back in the Garden - the spell of the Forbidden Tree - Adam and Eve also broke the bond humans could have had with God - the very first couple on earth disobeyed as they were given the freedom of 'choice'. God could have punished them in another way if He just wanted company - He could have taken away our intelligence or the decision making powers - He could have let them starve to death and created a brand new species. Instead, they were commissioned to be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue [and rule] it (Genesis 1:28). This still remains the same, right? If God has not interfered in this ever since it was announced to the first man and woman on earth, minus that one Flood incident, then I don't think He has brought this pandemic on us as a punishment or a measure to control population. 

We keep blaming the Almighty, forgetting someone else is also out there- someone who vowed to destroy mankind and the whole world-someone who pledged to Himself that He will lure in the minds of humans to be his and not God's, as his revenge for being exiled from the heavenly hosts. YES. Satan is still out there- instilling filth, hatred, unbelief and fear all over. It feels like we have lost our 'Paradise' all over again- yeah, the Paradise we thought was invincible, perfect, advanced and secure. We do have to realise, that the evil forces have been lurking through the shadows of our air-conditioned rooms and cars which we thought were cool and safe.  What do we not have, right? Everything is stacked and hoarded into this one Android phone- even the Bible. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe Satan is jubilating while we don't open those worn out, torn, highlighted, Bibles anymore?  

We humans, though more educated, intelligent and  stronger in might than any other century, have been forgetting our amazing bodies are already immortal and will surely succumb to sickness and death. We might be living in the most advanced of times, with the super-speciality hospitals and specialists for each cell of the body, advisors and experienced government officials who take the decisions, but we have now witnessed the biggest miscalculations of the human race by now- and the show is still on. It's like one of those reality shows which we the same humans love to watch on TV- only difference is this pandemic isn't scripted! 

The Western Christian world has already crumbled down in many areas- with churches turning into theatres and discotheques and what not. Christendom is dying out. When there are no believers, there is no one to support the church financially and so it becomes non-existent. Maybe there's very few who genuinely worship and serve. Those closed down churches are not just buildings, right - we lost that many souls already  and the next generations! Revival is needed in many areas - in the countries that actually spread the Gospel to all corners in the first place. 

But, imagine, Post-Covid this happens in the rest of the world too- God forbid! It might not happen in a year or two...but just as we are imitating and following the Western world in culture and costumes, in this regard also we are following their footsteps and our spiritual lives are also affected so much, without our knowledge in this new normal. It's okay to not join the Church service or prayer meeting or one week of Sunday School online, right? It's alright not to even bother to know who's your new vicar or a new family that joined your prayer group; it's not a problem to be independent and not needing anyone to help even when you are suffering from the Virus- you can handle it on your own; it's okay to publicly and virtually  scorn and mock the leaders of your parish without knowing the truth, we have the right to say our thoughts, right -so be it! 

Our human race thrives only where there is trust, love and care. Our lives on this earth has meaning only if we have a fellowship of some kind. Our online platforms for education, for spiritual awakening and comfort, for meeting our family members far away should be used wisely for our own mental, physical and spiritual health during these difficult times. Our devices are connecting but not always our minds and beings. As its been more than a year that we've been cooped up in our stables, the online church service is just like watching a programme on the TV. Why don't we like to BE THERE? Why do we choose to stay behind the curtains? 

The church as we knew it before the pandemic no longer exists. We do not know what the future holds. Our priests, pastors, bishops and lay leadership have to understand this fact. Maybe we can stop and think what can be changed to adapt to what is the need of the moment and what can be beneficial for the days to come. This pandemic is surely not as if someone pressed the 'pause' button and things will go back to how it was before the lockdown. This surely calls for yet another REFORMATION which is highly needed in our churches so as to eliminate all the contaminations. We had taken things for granted before, and now, as we stand one year later and the second wave hopefully subsiding, we still have that care-less, easy-going attitude to church and our relation to it and the Lord of all, once again. 

If we are going to come to a situation that the church is only needed for your marriage, your child's baptism (if you still believe its essential!) , or your  own funeral only, then you can cancel your membership now itself. Anyways, what's with this membership if you don't care about your spirit now? - or the hope only Jesus gives in life after death? We should realize now, before its late that God is in the process of 'making everything new' and those who have allowed the Devil to play large will have no way to turn back when they see the Light is in the opposite direction. 

As an educator, I believe this Covid-19 Era is a learning experience.  Maybe we humans have to change. We have made things go out of control - with our elaborate, exuberant lifestyle, crumbling down our very foundation of marriage and family, allowing the disparity between rich and poor grow bigger, the no-care attitude, the showing off and the self-praise. My biggest concern is about this LGBTQ community, something I have never understood. Yes, I respect their individuality and right to decide about their own lives, but I do not think God made a mistake for them to feel wrong in their own skin or to go against what He has assigned to us (my personal opinion only, okay!). I strongly feel this is an ultra modern curse which has fallen upon our generation more than the centuries gone by, because we humans are just physically, mentally and spiritually insecure and unsatisfied in how we are created- maybe God should have given us the choice of who we want to be before we were born, isn't it? Well, I might talk more of this topic some other time.  

What are we doing anyways? Our religion has no spiritualty for people to be drawn towards us. Maybe there's more feel in a Netflix movie for them. 'Give me that old time Religion' folks! Let's go back to that. We have to be simple, Family - loving, Community-loving, peace-giving and care-giving humans. We have to turn back to the Almighty who can make things right. Whether this virus is man-made in a laboratory or just spread  by man's selfish motives, we have to focus on how we can be responsible and live for the benefit of others and not just our safety and joy. This land is made for you and me- and we have the everlasting promise in the Rainbow after every storm. 

Life with Christ and for Christ gives us 

-free water from the spring of the water of life

-free oxygen just as God breathed in Adam

-free food from the Bread of Life

-free salvation from the blood of Christ.

God wants the Church to rise up and be vital and fresh. We know He has the answer to our worries and anxieties. We know we can achieve it together only. We are His bride. A marriage union cannot work with only one person. Engage yourself instead of pressing the mute icon and turn off your videos. There are many ways to squander your life but only ONE WAY to redeem it. This pandemic 'season' which already seems never-ending, should teach us at least to believe in this: "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain! (Phil. 1:21) We can't turn back and keep thinking things will be back to normal. This is our new normal.  The future will slowly unfold in front of us the new way to live, just as we leaned to wear masks and sanitize 24 x 7. So, come out of your cocoon you made for yourself during such a long lockdown. Bring a personal touch to it. Decide whether you want to be a beautiful butterfly that spreads joy and brightness or a dull moth that just eats up for itself. 

Have you decided yet...even if none go with you...will you still follow?

Decide fast, because there is no turning back!

Remya Rachel Thomas


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