“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."                                                                 ― George Orwell

What a thought, right.  

Everyone has a weapon these days; a powerful gadget. What you do with it, is totally up to you. Pen is mightier than the sword was the old saying. Now times have changed. Your finger is mightier than the sword, my friends. Yeah, your finger, which swipes across all corners of the world and makes sure things happen right everywhere. Your finger, which can type in any nonsense, sorry, any genuine opinion and make it reach wherever you want it to. Social media. Our world of action and entertainment- better than a Bollywood film. But let me ask you, when the media has no guarantee these days, then how can we rely on the forwards and gossips on social media? How can we judge someone or know for sure who and what to believe in these days? 

Whether we believe it or not, we have an opinion, right? We are ready to forward something HOT to our whole contact list without even thinking of its true side, or if it even has such a side too- because we like the juicy stuff. Rapes, Bribery, Fraudulence, Crime, Professional Jealousy, Disagreements, Illegitimate whatever...oh yeah...keep it coming, dude; we are ready to gulp down anything. We just don't slurp it, but excrete or release it back in such a detrimental manner that I would say even the air pollution emitted each day into the atmosphere is less harmful. Little do we realise that we are killing our own souls, message after message, group after group, day by day.

That's the 21st century freedom of Texting, Blogging, Vlogging and Swiping

Some people love to be silent spectators- they don't respond in a group, but like to sit back, have a coffee or even a drink and enjoy all the fuss and fun. Some people are the moderate types- they might just wish someone for their birthday or wedding anniversary and go back to their seat. I like these guys better. But there is another set of folks who love to introduce topics for perusal, which in turn become the talk of the day. Healthy discussions are totally good. We gather information from the internet or media and try to contribute to the conversation. This is done in my Schoolmates' group- and we do have fun-learning from each other, instantly Googling stuff to reply back- But when we delve deep into a matter without knowing anything about the real story then we have no right to say an opinion- especially when it hurts someone's religious or political views. I've seen how that ends too. 

This is totally meant for groups and social media discussions in general. But what about issues that happen within our families, our communities, our churches, our institutions - matters that need more seriousness when it comes to expressing an opinion, and where we express it? Why do we voice our thoughts out loud for the whole public to read and watch, and put their fingers on their noses thinking 'What the heck is happening there?' Once my post is published it is not mine anymore...there are hundreds of owners who just love forwarding STUFF. Same case for even a Twitter, WhatsApp or Facebook comment. Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore...even kids know that's how it is.

We all have taken the role of the police in our respective communities. So many policemen and women cops. The funny fact is, there's a  difference between the real Khaki and the virtual ones- the real officers at least will write down the statement of both sides, register an FIR and then only perform the Dabbang style - but WE are already in Salman's shoes and do more stunts than he's ever imagined of - through our soft virtual words- they don't hurt anybody, right?

I wish we had fact check officials for social media posts - but can they be relied on? Even the fact-checker can be easily bribed or threatened, isn't it? If someone says a boundary wall of 40-50 feet, of some institution was demolished weeks ago and the authorities who live just 5 minutes away didn't know about it till quite later, you will believe. Come on, they were simply sitting in their A/C rooms roaming around without doing anything about it. Again, if you don't like someone, you will try to tarnish his or her name through the utmost dirtiest ways possible, not thinking that the real damage happens to the very foundation of our institutions, and sadly our very faith in others as well. Well, serves him/her right.  If the President of some country also steps out of the line (or maybe didn't also) we will troll his heart away. We just believe in anything - these brain-washing/ mesmerizing/ tickling/ scratching messages. Even being in an authoritative position we tend to sway the Mob-way. Worst, we may also be the source of the forest fire and walk away, looking back at a distance to see the poor animals suffer. What can be done in such situations?  How do we know what is the TRUTH? 

A truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.  Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. 

I am not telling anyone to keep quiet or to shut up. You are all entitled to say your mind. I may like it - or not. I may believe in it - or not. I may say something which I feel is true. You may trust in me-or not.  You may be a righteous person yourself - or not. I may be a righteous person - or not. Its not my job to judge, its not my duty to pry. I am only responsible for my own actions. If I have a boss I will get the necessary guidelines or suggestions or orders on what to do next and I will do it according to my ability. I have a commitment to my vocation, my purpose in life and my family which I hope to do as faithfully as possible as long as I have breath in my lungs. I have a lot of things to do. You have something to do, too, huh? Oh, you have a job and a family too, is it? It's a good thing you remembered now. Otherwise someone will inquire there.  

Anyways, Social media does not rule my life. And I'll make sure my finger won't hurt anyone. So I leave you in peace. Let the bygones be bygones. Ciao!  

With virtual regards, 

Remya Rachel Thomas


  1. Wonderfully written kochamma. #imperativeNeed

  2. Wonderful!! People out there need to know the truth.... After all truth wins.... It might take time... But time will reveal everything.. And thats the time they will regret for everything they have believed in.....


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