Mimosa pudica or a Touch me not is a very special interactive plant- an eternal and universal fascination maybe many of us have- to touch it- and make it feel 'ashamed' and hide in itself- and watch it slowly regain its original structure. Even though the name says not to touch it- we always do, right??
Obviously, I'm no Botany expert like my Professor Dad- and cannot speak more about the Mimosa plant. I just want to bring an analogy here- something a Literature teacher can surely do- find comparisons and metaphors even if the author never even thought of it!!
It has been a very alarming trend in the recent times that people scarcely hold on to a job for long. Whether it is in the IT sector, banking or even Teaching- employees find it very difficult to comply to a higher authority- to accept if someone else gets promoted before them-or also find all the lame excuses in the world to avoid more work on their heads. Such people cannot tolerate last dates of submissions, mails coming one after the other and they just do things in their own way. They come late when they want to; take leave frequently; don't even acknowledge messages and the list keeps going.
Have we, the ultra-modern homo sapiens, become so selfish and slothful? Where are those selfless, all-giving, committed workers?? Why has it become so easy to resign from a job and jump to another- just because of some ego clash or the overused term nowadays-'workload'? Why are we not able to knuckle down ourselves like before- willing to spend hours and go the extra mile for our workplace anymore? The number of startups and preschools opening up here and there just like mushrooms sprout also prove how much people cannot tolerate the 'orders' of those hierarchically above them. But at the same time, all of us cannot be the BOSS, right?
Again, it is quite disappointing how managements of all these sectors hardly believe that each of their employees is their asset. Sorry to say, but sometimes they have this fatal feeling that anyone is replaceable also- and at the same time, find it difficult to fill up that place without much delay. We can even find Petrol Pumps and Supermarkets with WANTED notices pasted on their walls for months! What is actually happening to the work force and the work management of the 21st century?!
Having said all this, I believe I have to focus on the community I belong to more- TEACHERS- the so called most noble profession on earth. Teachers are respected, but at the same time, least valued in many places-whether it is in the case of monetary benefits from this job- or even being greeted by the students you teach. We even see students protesting or firing arms against their teachers. The value is surely decreasing day by day. Teachers are supposed to be regarded the most by his or her pupils- and many do. But at the same time, I feel we teachers only have to be blamed if our young generations are not thankful as much as maybe even a decade ago. Now, whether the students approve us or not, we do expect our boss to appreciate and acknowledge our 'hard work'. If there are no such incentives, then where is the contentment in this job? Where is the urge to come back to work the next day? Why should we still be teachers?
Some people these days also might have other means of income- so they don't need to work hard like a bee without much benefit. They do not have to simply increase their blood pressure, right? Why bang your heads with all this correction work, digital entries, records, Invigilation, deadlines to complete portions and what not? Above all that, the shouting and stress that fills each day. Why, right? What's the point?
So, what can bring you back to school- every day- make you energized- make you feel gratified that you have chosen THE BEST JOB in the whole world- even if the pay is meagre or good enough for you? Why can't we just be happy to be moulding the future generations of our world to be responsible humans- compassionate and reliable? What more do we need to stick on to a job and keep doing our best for better tomorrows?
We teachers are still needed- 100%. Don't ever doubt that. We are needed to mould, nurture and to equip. Whether our kids accept it or not, they can't get through without us- so make yourself indispensable. We have to adjust with all kinds of people in a workplace, too. We have to be more accepting and adapting. No one can work in a toxic environment. But at the same time, I do believe wherever the women employees are more, quarrels and small talks are bound to happen. Anyways, whatever is the struggle, we have to gear up and show smiles on our faces to keep the show going- otherwise very soon, there will be very less, efficient- qualified- committed teachers in our world- and even none of our students will also be inspired to become one themselves too. That is a scary thought, right?
Now to come back to my Plant analogy- the Touch me nots. We humans are so much like these Touch me nots. But even Mahatma Gandhi once told that we cannot have real independence unless the people banish the touch-me-not spirit from their hearts. Can we make a change in our world- and be positive, loyal employees wherever we are? Can we try to stay firm in our conviction of choosing this profession and do justice to our every day? The extra work is all part of the package and one after the other it will keep coming- the problem does not get solved by resigning now, does it? Even if you are a boss of your field- you are accountable, right? We all have to work towards work sustainability-both employers and employees. We have to make sure our colleagues are not bothered or burdened by any deed or word of ours. We have to bring back the motto 'Work is Worship' and be more responsible with this privilege that we are entitled to by life.
I firmly believe that the Teaching profession has to become a 'VOCATION' all over again. It is a calling- it should not be forced upon you- it should not be for convenience. It is more than all those methodologies and philosophies and psychologies we are trained to observe with. Teaching should be our life's mission- our very breath and our being. Teaching should become NOBLE and FAITHFUL once again. Only we can make a change! As Oprah Winfrey once said, Education is the way to move mountains, to build bridges, to change the world.
Let's keep inspiring and keep renewing our pledge to be fruitful wherever we are!
HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY to all the saying applies to!
~Remya Rachel Thomas
Salute to all teachers.