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  A Eulogy It's been 4 years now...   By dying young a person stays young in people’s memory. If he burns brightly before he dies, his brightness shines for all the time.                         Let me introduce to you one such individual who was a candle, a lantern, a sunbeam, but flickered out too soon. A friend, a brother, a guard, a guide, a knight in shining armour- to every single person he came into contact with. Our dear classmate-Rev. Aby Thampi Ninan (1984-2018).                         2003-2006 B.A English batch of Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla. An amalgamation of variety characters- kids who completed schooling from different syllabi, kids from outside Kerala, even abroad, local kids, brothers from religious congregations, studious ones and backbenchers, meek and mild types and loud and wild types – we were supposed to study together for three whole years – and become friends? Impossible it seems, but with good souls who know how to lighten up a room as soon as

An Ode to my Kiddos

~Of the past and the present~  I have a lot of characters Seated in my classes-  And everyday as I see them  I feel the urge to write Something about them.  So here I am with these typed verses To highlight the young souls  I meet day after day...  And maybe also wish them  A Happy Children's Day!  Oh ya, I know they're not 'children' anymore  As I teach the Teens of The Schram Academy But still they'll be kids to us educators. They do seem to be just like we were-  Back in the day... We just didn't have  So many gadgets and headsets to block off  The sounds around us anyway.  Some of them are so cool-  They know what they want  With their life already  Have no nonsense  Say no nonsense And focus to make their aspirations happen.  Another sort are the backbenchers  Who are the universal ones-  (You'll find them in all institutions) Always commenting and chatting behind-  Thinking we teachers don't know  What they do underground!  Then we got the bookworm


For TEACHERS....  Dedicated to all my STUDENTS...over these ten years... The first few weeks of November 2009...I was at home...after completing my B. Ed course and awaiting the results. Who would recruit in the middle of the year, right? So I waited. One of my professors from Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla asked me to help him edit his I started going to his department every day, sat at his computer and edited all day long- minus the lunch breaks I went to my nearby home. Soon enough my results came and I started searching for a job. My dream was always and always to get a job in my Alma Mater- Mar Thoma Residential School. But unfortunately they had no vacancies at that time. So, I scanned every Classifieds page and Wanted Advertisement in the newspaper. Somehow, I got the news that a Spoken English teacher was needed at the Manjooran's Academy for their School-based Speak Perfect Course. I went for the interview in Kottayam with my dad...and got selected. My first job


  Life on earth is the most blessed gift the Almighty could have gifted us. The very fact we wake up every single day is a miracle on its own. The one day our God has set apart for Himself is our day of REST-which many of us literally take it instead of coming to His HOME and giving praise to Him along with our fellow beings. One day in a week-it's so difficult to spare in this busy, nerve-wrecking world, right? And you really expect the God who has to take care of millions, to come to your aid when you call all of a sudden, after a few months or maybe even years? Even when we have come back to the physical mode, after months of those online services, some are still hiding as if behind their Zoom screens, not ready to come back to the fellowship of togetherness.  Worshipping God is a duty given to us Humans, the one and only species on earth given the intellect to think and words to speak. But 21st century humans are quite far away from the sanctuary, and even find no time in their


Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts. - Arnold Bennett Being married to a priest who gets transferred to any point on the Map and at anytime, Change is not new to me as we have reached our fourth place in nine years. Over one's lifetime, you meet so many people- some inspire you and leave a mark- some are forgotten into those faded shadows of life. I have been in Chennai for just about 11 months now- and I do have someone I looked upto for all those months- the Principal of The Schram Academy, Maduravoyal, Chennai - the School where I work now.  During my initial interview itself, I could sense the gravity of her personality- her professionalism and expertise- her wide knowledge in the field of education. Though the first encounter was online- the depth of her commitment was evident. I logged out of that meeting thinking that I must have made a fool out of myself- having been overconfident about my previous teaching experiences and skills.