
Showing posts from 2023

My Guardian Angel

I know you are in a better place now I am happy that you won the war of pain and suffering You are finally in safe, strong Hands Safer than any of us could have kept you here.  But I can't help but be selfish a bit And wish that you were with me some time more. That would be unfair to you though As you had to bear decades of endless pain.  You have left your indelible mark  On the lives of many We were blessed to feel that all the more After you left us that day.  But you influenced us, your family, the most And now I feel like a fish out of water, Knowing that something is missing inside Something is pulling at my heart.  I've never seen anyone die before Not other than in movies- And I never thought as I stayed there with you That afternoon it'll happen in front of my eyes.   But you went so peacefully, so gracefully A blessed end to such an eventful life- A life that loved, cared and shared A life that served and enjoyed every moment.  Tears will keep coming Even though


Mimosa pudica or a Touch me not is a very special interactive plant- an eternal and universal fascination maybe many of us have- to touch it- and make it feel 'ashamed' and hide in itself- and watch it slowly regain its original structure. Even though the name says not to touch it- we always do, right?? Obviously, I'm no Botany expert like my Professor Dad- and cannot speak more about the Mimosa plant. I just want to bring an analogy here- something a Literature teacher can surely do- find comparisons and metaphors even if the author never even thought of it!!  It has been a very alarming trend in the recent times that people scarcely hold on to a job for long. Whether it is in the IT sector, banking or even Teaching- employees find it very difficult to comply to a higher authority- to accept if someone else gets promoted before them-or also find all the lame excuses in the world to avoid more work on their heads. Such people cannot tolerate last dates of submissions, mail

A New Seraphim Joined the Heavens Today

Music is part and parcel of our Christian life. A church service hardly happens without singing and praising the Lord.  The Church Choir is a replica of the heavenly hosts of angels that sing up there 24x7 glorifying the Almighty. Today, a new Seraphim has joined the team.  Prof. Jacob Kurian- was a constant enough name in my home- as he was my dad's senior colleague in Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla, later Principal and also a family friend. My dad even stayed with his mother decades ago, during his bachelor life and early times in the college. His wife, Leelamma Miss was my Biology Teacher in Mar Thoma Residential School too. So Jacob Kurian Sir was someone we met saw frequently being in the same circle. I have listened to choirs he's conducted over the years also back then- in College, his home parish and the Thiruvalla Male Voices and Choral Society.  I was not that much of a solo singer, but I loved to sing in groups. But it was as a college student that I became more inter

The Church Built in His Time

    The Church isn’t just a particular building or congregation but the spiritual fellowship of all who belong to Jesus Christ.                                                                   -  Billy Graham   If there was a replica of the Early Christians now in the 21 st century- according to me, that would be the members of the Trinity Mar Thoma Church, Kuriathy. Such is the oneness and the fellowship of this parish. Just one year of witnessing them gave us the opportunity to see into this beautiful House of God. The warmth of the people and their hospitality are so selfless and genuine. Their worship is real and authentic. They love to gather, cook together and eat together. Their oneness feels like the same warmth and unity we read about in the Bible.   All the believers were together and had everything in common.   They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their home


Everyone talks about the American Dream- so many have it, sleep with it, eat with it and maybe even achieve it. It's a common dream for all people, all over the world, I'd say. For the Americans, as per an  authority in definitions- the Oxford English Dictionary, the American dream is “ the ideal that every citizen of the United States should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative .” Another quote says,  “ The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement."  For all the non-Americans, it is that dream dreamt while wide awake to fly to that fascinating country on the other side of the world and live the 'rags to riches' story. People who are never satisfied, always complaining, unable to make it 'big', irked by the gutters and garbage and politics of his or her home cou


The one person I look up to in this world is my Dad- literally- I look UP to him too. Not just because he's taller than me- but he's one constant figure in my life that I have always been able to get inspired from, learn from and absorb from.  My Dad grew up in the most humble of roots as possible in Kerala- a son in the household of a farmer- who was not much educated past schooling- but that family tried so hard that all the kids got benefitted from education more than the previous generation. Being the fifth in row of the eight children at home, I know my dad had to motivate himself a lot, but at the same time inspired and guided by his elder siblings who were already trying their best to make a mark in this world. Dad walked miles to go to school, and later to college- maybe a story many of our parents or grandparents can tell about their past life. He came back and helped in the fields or at home- yet studied well.  God must have blessed my dad for being active in his Sund


The roles in my life Define my very being The roles which I do everyday With pleasure and courtesy. I love my roles that came to me By His divine will. I try to 'enact' each role Assigned to me in this 'Drama' of life. I try not to put a mask Or to hide the real me with make up- I try to be genuine and kind, Faithful and righteous, each passing day. 'Being me' is not easy Or for you to be 'You'- If you focus on being just YOU You can surely be content each day. I love being a daughter- To my parents on both sides May not be the best correspondent, But they know I'm mindful of them And what they have done and do for me. My sister role has been the easiest, you know- Having a younger brother Who always tries to hijack my birthright- Oh, I'm just kidding, bro- But still, I am the best! Friends have always been my stronghold- Having friends from each level of my life- Hanging on to them, even after decades, Remembering their special days and Remindin