A New Dawn

By Remya Rachel Thomas

The alarm is my sign that
I’m granted a new day.
As I rise from my bed
I know my feet still work
It’s another day added to my lifetime.

As I open each door in the morning, I know
My household and its occupants are safe.
When I open the front door, mist
And sunlight give the promise of something fresh.
A new day for this world- the birds,
Trees, butterflies and flowers know it.

How much do we take for granted?
We sleep so deep, we sleep so lifeless each night
The fact that we wake up,
The fact that the sun still rises-
Yet somewhere in the world, there are
People whose eyes close forever,
People who long for fresh air,
People who pray for freedom and peace.

Why can’t this world be better?
Why can’t all people love more?
Why do our newspapers carry more bad news than good?
Why do we have to compete for and prove everything?
Why can’t we be carefree and faithful?

Every morning, the sun tells us a lesson-
That today is not the end of the world.
Every morning, as our limbs stretch out
We should be grateful for a new day-
And be the change the world needs-
Be the delight this world longs for.

Dusk will follow soon after the new dawn.
Travel your miles before you sleep.
Enjoy the beauty and charm of this world
Show that you care, show that you love
Pray for your near and dear,
Pray for those who suffer, those who are in pain,
Pray for tomorrow’s break of day.

Those who sleep well are blessed
Those who sleep enough are fortunate.
If you wake up from your sleep, keep going
If you see the sun in the morning, keep living.
Don’t be a jinx, don’t be a bother
Be kind to all and book your eternal balcony seat.

Dedicated to the Nepal tragedy- to the two families who slept peacefully, not knowing their time had come- to Madhav, who little knew he was left alone by this unforeseen mishap.
23rd January, 2020


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