Gone too soon
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7th July, 2019
Does anybody know the right time to die? Even if we do, do we have any control over it? It's one last thing man has to invent right. Thousands and ten thousands of people die every day- accidents, natural calamities, old age, terminal illness, heart attacks- there's no end to the causes of how people 'go'- not to forget the numerous murders and suicides increasing by the day. There are even people who go to sleep as usual but never wake up from bed -no prior symptoms whatsoever. Death's ways.
Every single being on this earth-once born, you just have to die one fine day. I remember a quotation of Mahatma Gandhi I used to use in autograph books long back: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow...." We do keep living for sure, but without thinking about death. Everyone has dreams and aspirations- after school you want to enjoy college life, after college you want to get a job; after getting a job you want to celebrate life wholly and buy all the things you want; then you feel you want a partner and get married; next you have a kid or two, you want to see them grow up well and strive hard to make money for 'their' future, see them get married, wish to play with your grandkids; by then you'll be retired yourself, so you will have nothing else to do but dream to see your grandkids fulfill whatever you and your kids never did- well, the list goes on. Human wishes are endless. We dream and dream- without thinking that DEATH can come anytime.
Now, if people die in their 70s or 80s then there's just the adjustment of how to live without seeing them and hearing them. After some weeks, we might feel somewhat normal again. They might have had more wishes to fulfill, but they've had their share so not many care about that. I'm 33.5 years old right now-exactly the age that Jesus died on the cross. I also dream to see my kid grow and have a bright future; I wish to do more for God and this world too. What if...? What will happen to those who are left behind? There's no doubt my body will be buried 6 feet under- but have I actually run my race, at this age? Is that all God wants me to do?
If it does happen soon-today, tomorrow, after 10 years or 30- I'm ready. But when it happens to someone you know, someone you looked up to when you grew up, someone you have shared life with, someone you have seen in flesh and blood- it's not the same. Oh no. It's never the same. But it's happened. Once again. People have been praying for a miracle to happen, for the last 3 weeks. I can't bear to scroll down FB today. Seeing her young and happy face.-thinking about her girls who look so much like her-her family- this is just unacceptable; unbelievable. This is one of those instances we all can't help but think: "WHY GOD....???"
This world is no more fit to live in. Sure it's more comfortable than old times but- too much atrocities, homicides, corruption, torture, abuse, cheating, pollution, sicknesses, immorality, queer living- no one bothers, no one truly loves. Those who 'go' earlier are blessed. Hospitals don't care, schools don't care, churches don't care, lawyers don't care, ministers don't care. Those who are LIVING are actually ASLEEP to all the realities.
"Gone" is surely the saddest word in any language. There is grief only where there is love. For those who remain on earth, it's painful to heal and recover from the scars of a loss- especially when it's sudden and unexpected- especially when it's not the 'age to go'.
My grandparents' generation have almost all passed on. Never thought my generation would be next. This is a time for us all to think how short life is for sure. Let's all wake up and care for each other once again. Let's bring back the genuineness and faithfulness. Make your life worthy and fruitful to your near and dear-to your society. Let people say you were a blessing.
SHE was a blessing- to all who knew her. No words can comfort the family at the moment.
Prayers. For the strength to abide, the patience to accept and the hope to reunite one day.
Nobody can replace a loved one. Nobody can fill that gap.
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